AKC/UKC CH Windward's Rumors 'R Flying At Afim CGC
Rumor decided in August 2016 to come out of retirement and head back into the show ring with her daughters, Madison & Salsa. 11-year-old Emma finished Rumor's AKC championship in May 2017! We're so proud of these two!
Rumor is now spayed and enjoying her time fighting for bed space at night with her person, Emma. October 2021- At the PWDCA National Specialty in Virginia Beach, Rumor came out of retirement to play in the Veterans classes with Emma. In Sweepstakes, Emma and Rumor won the 11-13 year old class. In Best of Breed, they won third in their class. Overall, it was a great showing and Rumor had a BLAST playing in the ring with Emma. The cute factor was overwhelming!